Friday, May 20, 2016

Let's talk about sex. NO NOT THAT KIND! GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER! That's a topic for another time.

I know that this topic is a very controversial one, so this is my thoughts on gender.

"ALL HUMAN BEINGS—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose."- The Family: A Proclamation To The World. 

Gender is ESSENTIAL. That would be the reason why it is so hard to change.

There are so many differences between men and women. Why do people want them to be equal. Equal does not mean the same, and men and women are not at all the same. 
Women are more likely to communicate and long for communication. This is because women have more white matter in the brain which is connective tissue. They also care about relationships and appearance. Males are more likely to be active and have aggressive responses. They are also able to shut out emotions, and not get personally involved in situations. Males have less gray matter in their brain. The gray matter is where memories are stored, so that would be why men are less likely to remember details. 

It makes since to marry the opposite gender. Two women may connect better than a man and a woman, but the women cannot also take on the male characteristics that compliment the female ones. Together, men and women are equal. It's like yin and yang. One needs the other.   

This video is much better at explaining the differences than I am. Watch it. It is defiantly worth your time. 

So, what did you think?
I'm sure you can guess what I think. I loved the video and I could not have said it better myself.

Before puberty, lots of kids act like the opposite sex. That does not mean they want to be the other gender. Puberty has to run its course before any judgments should be passed. Brother Williams said, "what a shame it would be if parents prevented puberty from taking its course." I completely agree. A child may act like the opposite gender, but that does NOT mean they want to be the other gender. Brother Williams also said that it is important to "validate the valid." This means that when interacting with anyone, you do not have to validate their opinion. But, if you make them feel bad about it, it is unlikely they will come back to you with their problems. Validate what is true and be cautious of the other persons feelings.


    Don't pass judgments right off the bat. Try and look at everyone you meet as a son or daughter of God. Think about how much God loves them. Try to look at others as God does. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

This past week, my roommate has been watching Gossip Girl which got me thinking about class.

What is class? It is a way of organizing individuals of a society into a pecking order, per say. Class can say a lot about a person. How much they make, education level, work ethic, willingness to aid society, and others. But, that may not be the case for many.

I noticed that in the show, their is a lot of stress. Mostly to keep the status of an upper east sider. It seemed to be that the more wealthy individuals only did things to please others or to get their name out. It was never for the benefit of society.  There was always an explanation or excuse. People wouldn't do something nice for another unless they got something in return.

On the flip side, the lower classes also suffer from stress, but in a different way. They struggle to get food on the table, or worry about if they will have enough money that month to feed their family.

I watched an episode of What Would You Do? In the episode there was a homeless veteran, who was an actor, he was at a restaurant asking for food. The workers were also actors, and they had to be rude to the veteran, and tell him to leave. The veteran then sat just outside of the restaurant with a sign. In the end, the people who helped him, or gave him food were the lower class individuals. Not one of the upper class individuals even gave him the time of day. There was a homeless man who walked over to him and gave him the money he had collected. He gave the veteran everything he had.

I feel like people in a lower class are more willing to help, because they have been in a situation where they needed help and someone helped them. It's a since of duty.

If everyone was a little more willing to give back, society would be a little better.

    If you see someone who looks like they might need help, help them. Don't hesitate, just do it. 

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Families... The foundation of everything I know. I love my family so freakin much, and I would do anything for them. It really surprises me that others don't feel the same way. Turns out, most people live the exchange theory, the benefits better out weigh the costs or it's not worth my time theory. In a family, how could the exchange theory work if everyone is just thinking about themselves? 
"Being genetically related doesn't make you a family. Love, support, trust, sacrifice, honesty, protection, acceptance, security, compromise, gratitude, respect, and love is what makes you family" - Unknown. 
 I couldn't agree more. Caring more about yourself than your loved ones, but in a way that is over powering doesn't work. A family is a system. It is a unit. Everyone has to work together for the greater good. And that can't be done when you are selfish and unwilling to compromise. I just care so much about my family, and I wish everyone could experience that same love.