Saturday, May 7, 2016

Families... The foundation of everything I know. I love my family so freakin much, and I would do anything for them. It really surprises me that others don't feel the same way. Turns out, most people live the exchange theory, the benefits better out weigh the costs or it's not worth my time theory. In a family, how could the exchange theory work if everyone is just thinking about themselves? 
"Being genetically related doesn't make you a family. Love, support, trust, sacrifice, honesty, protection, acceptance, security, compromise, gratitude, respect, and love is what makes you family" - Unknown. 
 I couldn't agree more. Caring more about yourself than your loved ones, but in a way that is over powering doesn't work. A family is a system. It is a unit. Everyone has to work together for the greater good. And that can't be done when you are selfish and unwilling to compromise. I just care so much about my family, and I wish everyone could experience that same love. 

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