Thursday, July 7, 2016

Parenting for Dummies

SOOOOOOOO TRUE! People are quick to give their opinions and place judgement but they have the hardest time following it themselves!:

On that note, I am not a parent, but I definitely have an opinion. 

There are so many aspects of parenting, and I really don't have the time, the energy, or even the knowledge to discuss them all. 

I will discuss what I do know.

There are 3 styles of parenting
1. Autocratic: The dictator parent. Parent allows little freedom and often leads to a power struggle.
2. Permissive: The doormat parent. The parent allows the child to walk all over them. Parents give too much freedom or make decisions for the child. 
3. Authoritative: The active parent. This style is the most effective. Parent offers freedom within limits. 

Want to find out what style you are? Take this quiz. You will probably be surprised. I was. 

With any family comes stress. When under stress we revert to what is familiar. That may mean that when you get mad at your child for something, you turn into your mother. When dealing with your child in a stressful situation, maintain respect. Once you lose respect for them, they are likely to then act out. With mutual respect, so much more can be accomplished. It is important to remember that it's us against the world, not us against each other. 

We are worldly individuals by nature. We as humans, feel that we need to point out other's flaws because if we don't point them out, no one will. This happens quite a bit in the family. We feel it is our duty to make sure they know they have flaws. 
As a parent, you do not want to point out your child's flaws. It will lead to a low self esteem and self worth and it discourages the child. Be genuine when complementing and show that you have faith in them. This will encourage them to try harder and increase their self esteem. 

There are so many more things I could talk about , but I just don't have the time, and my fingers hurt a little. Lol sorry. 
If you do want more tips, I highly suggest visiting this parents guide. 

Challenge: Be genuine in your words and intentions. Don't give hollow compliments. Try to be a better example. Children are very good at observing. May as well be a good example. 

Sorry, one more picture quote. 
Parenting - Five Mistakes that Moms Make. #kids:

Work, work, work, work, work, work... then some other words I don't understand. 
Rihanna knows what's up. 

Work is an essential characteristic of tight family. I know that when I was little, we had a lot of chores, and we always had jobs to do. A lot of the time, we were working together to accomplish something. We all hated it at first but most of the time it brought us closer as a family. But if you ask any of us kids, we will all say, it was terrible, and we didn't have any fun. 

Work used to be created by, and done together as a family. Now it is something that "needs to get done". 
Back in the day, when families had farms to provide for themselves, everyone had a job to do, and if it didn't get done there would be a problem. Then the fathers started working in factories. Mothers were stay-at-home moms and the children would go off to school. Now it is common for both parents to work and the child gets raised by someone other than its parents. 

Yale did a study on satisfaction of working women. 10 out of 11 women were disappointed that they delayed getting married and having a family. 

With women working, the children are left to be raised by another individual, and who wants to birth a child then have someone else impact that child more than they do? 

"No success can compensate for failure in the home." -David O. McKay.

What does that mean? To me it means that no matter how successful someone may be at their career, if they aren't present at home, then why have a career? Why have a family?

Challenge: Try to be successful in your home. Try a little harder to be a little better. See if it makes a difference. Do you feel more accomplished?