Sunday, June 12, 2016

Cohabitation is really in right now... but does that mean you should do it? The answer is no.
It is a fake commitment. It is not the same as marriage. It is like having a roommate with benefits. You already have established habits. For example, you don't share finances, so when and if you get married, it is very difficult on a relationship. A married couple who has cohabited are likely to keep their own habits and not mesh well together as a couple. 

Make the leap, make the commitment together. JUST DO IT!!! 

Marriage a a great thing. It is starting a life with the person you love. However, there are marriage ups and downs. At the beginning of a marriage, the couples are the happiest, but with each child the happiness drops a little. Then when the couple becomes empty nesters,  the happiness goes back up.       -However, childbirth can be the most sacred things a couple does together. There is a tremendous amount of bonding between husband and wife. It is a time for the wife to rely on the husband. It gives the husband a purpose.-  With each child it goes down. There are ways of preventing the "baby blues". Do things together. Try to not grow apart. Pay attention to each other and each others needs. 

Challenge: If you are married, do something together that you normally would not do. Strive to please your partner. 

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