Sunday, June 12, 2016

Let's talk about sex. But for reals this time.

I'm not going to talk about how babies are made.... cuz let's be real. y'all already know that stuff.

Intimate- Into-my-mate

Sex is NOT the most important aspect of a marriage, but it is a good predictor of how the marriage will go.

Sex is like a very pleasant sneeze. A great build up of energy and then a release.

I do need to mention media. Media gives very distorted ideas of sex. Pornography `is any medium used to stimulate sexual feelings. It is extremely harmful. It provides very unrealistic expectations. Somehow, whenever we talk about sex, a lesson on porn comes with it. That is because they are so closely related in today's world. It leads to feelings of inadequacy and entails cheating.

What if your significant other has suffered from this addiction? Talk about it, but in the most loving way possible. Marry someone who is chased, if not, get chased. Be with someone who has come back from it. Full disclosure is very important.

So, what should you do when you see porn? I highly recommend watching this video.

Okay, enough about porn.

A couple should make love, not just have sex. It brings the couple closer, increases communication, shows one cares for the other and visa versa. The best love making is being completely selfless.

Oxytocin- chemical messenger in a woman's body- is released when love making. If a woman does not have sex for a while, she wants it less. But, if a man does not have sex for a while, the more he wants it more.

So, how do you talk to your kids about sex? It is better to hear about it from a parent, or a trusted adult. Start young. Before puberty, it is just information. If a child asks you where babies come from, don't say a stork. The way you want to teach it is up to you and your spouse. The church has a great guide to help with this.

1. Don't be afraid to talk about sex. It an important part of our mortal existence. 
2. Don't stand for pornography. Say something. 

1 comment:

  1. I think that video is so good. Very empowering for children, and parents really, because it acknowledges that children (and adults) will come across inappropriate content. It teaches them what they can do. I choose to not look at billboards that I know are coming up, but would rather not see. Good for you to tackle this subject (even if it is a school assignment!) because the more you formulate your words about challenging topics like these, the easier it is to talk about them :)
